Little manuals for the Vespa V50 N
This project is the English version of our personal web page dedicated to the world famous smallframe Vespa V50 N. Because of the enormous positive feedback we have received so far, we made the decision to also provide an english version to the international community of Vespa 50 lovers.
We appreciate your patience as some articles are not finalised yet but we are continuously adding more information as soon as translations are completed. Our goal is to share our experiences with you regarding repair and restoration of the Vespa V50 N.
It goes without saying, due to the fact that this is not a commercial web page we cannot give any guarantee nor can we be held responsible for any kind of defect or negative outcome developed from these articles we merely wish to share our own experiences with you .
Leave some comments in our guestbook. Of course any type improvement suggestions or even new articles you would like here are highly welcome too.
We hope you enjoy reading, studying and of course working on your Vespa V 50 N.